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Tuesday 22 January 2008

Kureyon sockyarn scarf pattern

This is the finished scarf after blocking and here is the pattern :

You will need : 2 balls Kureyon 4 ply sockyarn ; 3.75mm circular needle ( you can use straight needles for the main body of the scarf. )

Cast on 47 stitches and proceed in stocking stitch ( one row knit, one row purl ) for as long as you like ( my scarf is 160cm. long after blocking ). Knit the first stitch of every row and slip the last stitch of every row purlwise.

Cast off. Do not break yarn. Using your circular needle, pick up stitches down the length of the scarf side.Pick up one for every V shape made by your slipped stitches at the row ends.
( I picked up 262 stitches ). However long you have made your scarf you will need to pick up an even number of stitches.

Work in feather and fan stitch as below beginning with row 4 and then working 5 pattern repeats. Cast off loosely purlwise.

Repeat for the other side of the scarf.

Block severely for best result.

Feather and fan is worked as a multiple of eighteen stitches. However many stitches you have picked up, divide this by eighteen. If you are left with any over, divide by two and knit them at either end of the row. E.g. 14 X 18 = 252 stitches. This left me with 5 stitches to knit at the end of each row.
Pattern : Row 1 ( right side ) : Knit
Row 2 : Purl
Row 3 : * ( K2 tog ) 3 times, ( yo, K1 ) 6 times, (K2 tog ) 3 times. Repeat from *
Row 4 : Knit

Remember : if have any stitches left over you must work them at the beginning and end of the pattern repeat.

Hints : make it narrower and you may only use one ball. The top and bottom of the scarf will roll. I like this look. If you don't, add an edging of your choice. Match your sides by winding off yarn till you reach the correct point in the colour sequence for casting on the second side. Or be totally random - the choice is yours.

This yarn is not currently available in UK. I got mine from Simply Sock Yarn in US. Prompt service and low delivery costs - see the link on the left.

If you're reading this blog as a result of the above company's recommendation - WELCOME!

Everyone enjoy and adapt as you wish.

Friday 18 January 2008

Wight knitters and a new book

I ordered this on spec from Amazon as an interesting read rather than a pattern book. It certainly is a good read and some great historical pics. I love old adverts and looking at old photos in general. If you're looking for old patterns then this is not for you. There are a few but these are printed verbatim with no attempt to update yarns etc.

Rabbit Sue and Tracy who left our shores for the Isle of Wight are having varying degrees of success on the knitting front. Sue is FORBIDDEN to knit but may spin for a short while ( this would kill me on both counts ). I have been seen to spin feebly using a drop spindle on one occasion under cover of darkness, but it's not for me. I believe in keeping yarn companies in business. Tracy however, is an ace spinner and I was happy to see the scarves she sent up to knitting group last night. These were made to my pattern which you can find in an earlier posting but using yarn spun by her own fair hand. The results were lovely.
Meanwhile group member Lesley had been to Ferret Sue's to try out her selection of spinning wheels. What's with these people? Who has a selection of spinning wheels? Mind you I suppose it's only like my selection of handbags - I must think "outside the box". I will soon be the odd one out but I don't feel I will ever get spinning.

Meanwhile back in the sane world of knitting, we welcomed Dani and Liz back to the group. Dani was knitting the Argosy wrap from the happy camper website. Google Argosy wrap and you'll find it. I feel a new project is imminent!

Sunday 13 January 2008


This is what I've worked on over the last week. It's the Noro Kureyon sock yarn which I've scarfed as usual. It's in it's unblocked state at present but you can see the idea. Pattern may be up as a freebie later on.

Don't get me wrong I LOVE this yarn but I would not use it for socks. It's quite slubby and while overall it's classed as 4 ply, the thickness varies from cobweb to almost aran weight at times. I can see that if you socked it you might end up with thin patches. There is a nylon content to it according to the ball band but, as I can break it quite easily, I'm not sure that it would be very hardwearing as socks.

My lacy Xmas project is being done, but very slowly, as I have to follow the pattern religiously - so unlike me! However, the result will be worth it, I feel.

Bizarrely, I've got hooked on darts on the TV - genius mental arithmetic plus odd looking men - what's not to like?

Friday 4 January 2008

Interesting knitting

This interesting item was knitted by Jennie ( soon to be daughter in law ). It's a pill holder with 7 sections for her pills and potions so she doesn't forget to take anything. Genius! and much more intriguing than the usual plastic boxes you can get. Jennie is more of a needlewoman than I am and is not afraid to combine her knitting and sewing skills to get a result. This item is the result of an afternoon's effort over the Xmas period.

Meanwhile, the new year is not being kind to me - number 2 son has gone to Canada for a long trip, maybe forever, and I have a date for my surgery in early February. Everyone is telling me how good it is that it's so soon. Why am I not convinced? Still, the recuperation period will give lots of time for knitting!