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Thursday 14 August 2008

Advance warning

If you like Opal sock yarn and / or Harry Potter you'll love the new sock yarn due in Autumn. Go to www.opalsockyarn.com for a slideshow of the colourways - some very good ones!

I'm away for a few days next week on a trip to the French seaside, but not near a yarn shop. Who chose this holiday?

Tuesday 12 August 2008


Most of you will know that I am a bookworm as well as a knitter and this is one of my latest purchases. It was something of an afterthought - I was ordering from Amazon and added it as an extra to make up to the free delivery mark. ( The fact that I would have saved more money had I not bought it escaped me! )

Anyway, it turns out to be one of the best knitting books I have bought for a while - "Knitalong"
celebrating the tradition of knitting together, by Larissa and Martin John Brown. There are sections on knitting groups, history, blogs, knitting cafe, swaps and charity knitting. Also, there are 20 patterns for interesting and usable projects which are suitable for group or individual knitting. A comparatively small book with a lot of content.

I had been thinking about using up my leftover sock wool for some time and this book comes up with a great project for this exact scenario ( see blanket on bed above ). Excellent!

Friday 8 August 2008

Autumn shows

It hardly seems possible, but I'm already looking fwd to the autumn knitting shows. I just booked in for Ally Pally on the Saturday. This is not my usual day, but there is a class that I want to attend on that day. I've been asked to start a knitting group for students at the school where I work and there is a class at the show concerned with just such a scenario.

Also, I'm anticipating I-Knit early in September where I'm hoping that the Yarn Harlot from Canada will be as amusing as her blog.

Two opportunities for stash enhancement - woop,woop!

Sunday 3 August 2008

New yarn purchases

This is Rowan Colourscape Chunky which I got from John Lewis at Kingston on Saturday. The colourways are designed by Kaffe Fassett and the yarn is 100% wool with a very dense feel to it. There's also a pattern book available which I didn't buy; I couldn't imagine a sweater in it - it would feel like wearing a blanket. Also at £10+ a pop, the cost would be very high. So it's back to the trusty scarves for me - this one is similar to one in the book.
I also bought some more aran tweed to make another hat and striped scarf for skiing son. Apparently my hats are coveted by his friends in Australia- maybe there's a business opportunity there!
Off to see aged mother for a few days - back soon!