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Tuesday 26 February 2008

New online magazine

Check out The Inside Loop which is a new online mag devoted to British fibre arts. The first issue has some attractive free patterns. For other good freebies don't forget Magknits and Knitty.All links are on the left of this page.

Thanks to Danni for her blog comment.My first day at work went well with only two detentions handed out and one football confiscated - as Elton John once crooned, "The Bitch is Back"!

Sunday 24 February 2008

Argosy on the needles

This is the Argosy wrap mentioned in a previous post. I'm actually using the specified yarn which is a departure for me - it's Noro Kureyon and I used colour 170. I love Noro yarn; they don't do pastels and I don't either unless I'm knitting for other people.

This is going to end up as a diagonal knit, like the Clapotis scarf; it's interesting to knit while being simple enough to complete during TV viewing. Not a cheap item as I'm using 8 balls, but the result will be worth the expense.

Back to work tmrw for the first time in 3 weeks - am I looking forward to it? Answers on a postcard or in the comments box!

Tuesday 19 February 2008

So bad it's good!

How cool is this? I'm loving the matching buffalo and the acceptability of pipe smoking and Native Americans shooting endangered species to advertise a knitting pattern.

I picked this up from the Grumperina blog ( see link left ). She has offered to complete this garment which was started many years ago. That's one offer I would not be making.
Sadly, I am old enough to remember when these sweaters were the height of fashion but thankfully no relation of mine was ever seen to wear one in public.

I have done some intarsia work in the past when my kids were small and I made Postman Pat and Thomas the Tank Engine sweaters. Somehow I don't think intarsia ever looks good on adults
but maybe I'm just not cool enough!

Friday 15 February 2008

Crochet cupcake

Danni made me this at knitting group last night. It's to celebrate my being able to eat whatever I like. It's charming with it's little sparkly beads and I will treasure it. One day, I will be able to say that I knew Danni before she was famous!

Good to meet old friends last night and catch up with their news. It seems like ages since I was at the group. We have a couple of new members and now there's usually about 10 of us at every meeting. Kris did valuable work sorting out some knitting problems. She's run out of sock wool and so cannot proceed with her own work. I sympathise as I have a feeling that I'm going to run out before the toe of my burgundy socks. There should be no reason for this, as I started with a full ball. I'm knitting faster to finish the sock before the wool runs out - think about it - it makes no sense but we all do it!

I am pleased to announce that chocolate has been eaten.

Monday 11 February 2008

Home from the wars.

Surgery went as well as it could have done. I was kept waiting a while and was glad of my knitting - I took the lace with me and got quite a bit done.

While recuperating, I've been doing more work on my socks and blocking pieces that have been sitting around for a while. This includes a clapotis scarf which you can see here. I made this from Cherry Tree Hill possum yarn that I got from Woolly Workshop. This yarn is very soft but is not regular stock. The pattern is adaptable to whatever yarn you have and I urge you to make it. It's got to be one of the best freebies ever from Knitty ( see link left ).
Another great freebie is the the Argosy series of wrap, scarf, shawl and blanket from In a Happy Camper (see link left ). Danni from group has made the wrap and it's a great bias pattern. Again, this is adaptable to any yarn. Art student Danni is going to Florence on a study trip soon; will she come back with yarn? It's a no - brainer!
I haven't tried the Argosy myself yet but it's a safe bet it will be on the needles soon.

Friday 1 February 2008


My brown stripey socks are done and I'm onto a burgundy stripey pair now. What makes sock knitting so addictive? Is it the going round and round or the fact that there's always a different process to do to prevent boredom? Or is it because the yarns are so attractive? It's a bit of everything for me.

At knitting group last night, almost all of us were doing socks. We were discussing the merits of grafting the toes and how we can all graft if we have to. Personally, I have to recheck directions each time I do it and this is what makes a three needle bind off so attractive to me. I don't have to think about that. Clearly the results are quite different and purists will scoff but that doesn't worry me.

Brown stripeys are coming to hospital with me next week where I am being sliced and diced for a couple of days. Two legitimate weeks off work - in any other circumstances I would be looking forward to it! I have easy lace knitting to take with me - or shall I take my socks?

Back soon!