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Saturday 24 May 2008

Rip it up!

This is what I've been doing since last week. The triangular shawl is now a stole in the same pattern - the colours were not looking good to my eye and having ripped it back twice, I decided the straight stole looked better. I'm not usually a ripper, but it had to be done.

A couple of discoveries this week - www.paviyarns.co.uk looks like it might be worth a look. This was recommended to me by Jennie who I met randomly in Tesco's by the hot chicken counter. She used to come to Taj shop regularly but then went to India. I had not seen her for over a year and she came to knit group on Thursday before going off to Switzerland. A busy woman!

Also, Eurovision, which is so bad it's good, now features knitting. The Bosnian entry has backing singers dressed as brides who are knitting. Quite why, I'm not sure but, for comedy value, it has to be watched tonight!

I'm looking forward to a Paris trip this week and it's decision time - what knitting to take and what to buy at the Phildar yarn concessions. There are at least four to be visited and my plastic currently has vacant space!

Back soon!

Sunday 18 May 2008

News and a new project

A new project which looks completely random at the moment but will transform itself into a triangular shawl with a diamond pattern.
The picture shows my poor photographic skills and the shabbiness which is unblocked lace. Whay could be more attractive? However, all us lace knitters know that blocking will transform this monstrosity into a wearable garment.
My previous smooshy project is awaiting blocking and will be revealed in all it's glory soon.
In other news, Knit Today magazine is being sold to another publisher, so I wait to see whether it will continue in the same format ( and whether they still want to publish my designs ). I have bought the last two issues of Let's Knit; although I'm not a big fan of some of their designs, there are some good ideas in there and the magazine has a trendier look than some of the others. It mentions a good charity project; you may like to download a free children's hat pattern from
http://www.savethechildren.org.uk/ - donated hats are sent to Africa to be worn by newborns. Night time temperatures can drop dramatically and hats can make the difference between life and death. A good cause!
Film lovers may be interested in The Jane Austen Book Club - it's pretty lightweight but I enjoyed the book and the film. The members only read Jane Austen and one of the main protagonists is a knitter - scores double points with me!
I hope to be back to more regular posting from now on. Work has quietened down and I have a little more time to myself.

Monday 5 May 2008

Marking time

Not much progess to report as I've been a busy girl one way or another. However a few good things to report; we had the pleasure of Tracey's company at knit group last week. She is looking well and enjoying her new life on the island.

Maggie has asked me to come up with an idea for her beautiful Colinette yarn purchase. There's not a lot of it apparently, so I'm thinking a stole with provisional cast on so the yarn can be used for a centre panel and then the two ends could be contrasting. I'll be perusing my stitch books this week so I can come up with something for Thursday.

I had an impromptu trip to Anfield this weekend to watch Liverpool, my favourite football team.Enjoyable but tiring! Sadly, number 1 son is under the weather at present so he could not go. Quite a stressful time in my family at the moment, so I could soon be knitting more items that don't need much attention. That's how it's been this year!